
Fusion - Fashion Mobile App

UX / UI 設計元素模版

Welcome to Fusion, your gateway to a fashion-forward universe where trends meet individuality. Dive into a world of sartorial excellence with our meticulously curated collection that blends contemporary flair with timeless elegance. The Fusion mobile app is your personalized style companion, offering a sleek and user-friendly interface to enhance your shopping experience. From casual chic to haute couture, our diverse range caters to every style sensibility. With a minimalist layout and eye-catching design, Fusion ensures that navigating the latest trends is as effortless as enjoyable. Embrace the fusion of fashion and innovation, where your unique style story begins. Elevate your wardrobe, and express your individuality – because your style knows no boundaries in the world of Fusion.


- High-quality screens

- Design that is easy to adjust

- Layers are well organized and neat

- Open source fonts

- Global text and color styles

- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD

- All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the main file.

模板編號: 378867
類型: UX / UI 設計元素模版
作者: twinletter
下載: 0
NT $540
模板編號: 378867
模板類型: UX / UI 設計元素模版
作者: twinletter
下載: 0
主題: Fashion Blog Templates, Communications Templates, Fashion Templates, Mobile Company Templates, Computers & Internet, Fashion & Beauty,

顏色: black, white, grey,

標籤: application, fashionable, interface, layout, outfit, retail, sketch, store, stylish, trendy, user, wear, ecommerce, smartphone, ux,

graphicsType: Vector, Raster,

compatibility: Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch,

filesIncluded: XD, FIG,